Hello Wonderer Kin,

I’m Blossom, a wonderer and a leader on the Understory mission with my brother Rocko. The things I wonder most about are flowers and pollinators and how plants and animals work together to thrive.

My super powers:

My super powers are song and learning languages. I have already learnt the songs of over 3000 species of plants and animals (and am happy to teach anyone).


1. What is the seed star?

Could look like one of these?


According to my fossil fossicker friends, many millions of years ago a powerful Asteroid hit the earth and created a giant dust cloud. The cloud blocked out the sun and sent the earth into darkness and lifelessness for thousands of years.

Luckily the magical Seed Stars arrived and with their glowing energy; dissipated the dust, let in the sunlight, and charged up the earth so life could begin to grow again.

There are many versions of how Seed Stars arrived. Some say they came on the back of golden comets, others that they shot up from deep volcanoes in the sea, others that they were pooped out by giant Albatross’ and others that they cracked out of ancient rocks.

Apparently there are thousands of Seed Stars across the world charging up forests with their energy. One is thought to have landed in the Hoop Pine forest of The Lismore Rainforest Botanic gardens.

Children are the best at spotting them. Adults find it hard to recognise the Seed Stars, but they have reported feeling charges of energy when they are near them.

2. Who are the Twins of Mirth?

Definition of Mirth.


  1. Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE Twins of Mirth: from Great Grandma Piperatus’ journal.

* The Twins of Mirth were born from the Seed Star.

* They spread the energy of the Seed Star throughout the forest and weave connections between all the forest Kin-doms.

* They are shapeshifters, always changing and always sharing stories and wisdoms between all beings.

* We never know what form they are in, but we feel them breathing life into everything all the time. 

* They were called the Twins of Mirth by the forest beings because they were happy and laughing from the moment their first buds popped out of the seed and their joy was contagious.


3. What is the forest Web?

The ‘forest web’, mentioned in the message from the forest, could refer to all the relationships in the forest between all the kingdoms kin-doms of living things, the millions of species interconnected through networks and systems.

Everything is connected to everything else and everything effects everything, woven together in a web.


,All living things have been classified by humans into 5 main groups: Plants, Animals, Fungi, Monera and Protozoa. Some people call them ‘kingdoms’. I call them ‘kin-doms’ because they are relations (kin).  Grandma Piperatus has listened to, and learnt from, the different kin-doms and passed to some of their wisdoms to Rocko and I.